Doughnut Economics is out!

It’s been quarter a century in the making – ever since the day I stepped into my first university Economics lecture back in 1990 – but Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist is now out (well, it’s officially published tomorrow, 6 April, but it’s been spotted in bookshops from London to New York to Hong Kong to Singapore, so I call that out…).

Here’s the book trailer, just to whet your appetite.

And if you want the low-down on the core messages of Doughnut Economics – those seven ways to think – then they are set out here in my brand new blog for Open Democracy.

If you’d like to help make the book fly, please do post about it on Twitter and Facebook, write a review on Amazon, and give a copy of the book to any unsuspecting economics student you know under the age of 95.

Doughnut Economics is available at all good bookshops, published in the UK by Penguin Random House and in the US by Chelsea Green. If you read it, do let me know what you think: this is a conversation and it’s only just beginning. Here’s to rewriting, and redrawing, economics.

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